RE/MAX Germany:

We focus on education and training.

Real estate transactions are complex per se, and it is not only sales strengths that play a role here, but above all specialist knowledge:

  • in the evaluation,
  • in legal and tax matters,
  • in marketing and sales topics and of course
  • in the commercial area.

As we know from our many years of experience, the framework conditions are constantly changing, so that real estate agents must constantly adapt to new conditions, requirements and regulations. From our point of view, a high-quality education can only be the basis, which only in combination with regular further education results in a coherent whole. This applies to both existing real estate agents as well as newcomers and career changers.

Frau am Schreibtisch

Real estate agent:

Sound RE/MAX training for a successful start to your career.

The topics covered in our training are extremely diverse and provide you with the skills to successfully take the step into self-employment:

  • Real estate market, real estate marketing and real estate agent regulation
  • legal foundations such as the Consumer Protection Act, the Condominium Act and the Tenancy Act
  • Basics such as the land register, zoning, basic principles of regional planning and the reading of plans and property valuation
  • Competencies such as self-management, process and sales process control
  • Fees and taxes, sales tax and income tax law
  • Real estate financing
  • Communication techniques, conflict management, presentation techniques and social media
  • Customer and property management and joint business
  • Software usage

Our RE/MAX training has a modular structure in order to combine the necessary theoretical expertise with very practical applications. It is above all the practical relevance that prepares our training participants for their everyday professional life and the challenges of self-employment. This is how we ensure the quality that we stand for as an established and internationally active company. We attach great importance to this!

Stift aif einem Tisch

Continuous RE/MAX training:

Wide range of topics for further development.

The job description of the real estate agent has already changed drastically, with digitalization and globalization in particular leaving their mark here: today, it is almost impossible to achieve marketing success without digital tools and the Internet. Potential buyers and tenants research, compare and inform themselves comprehensively. The professional demands on real estate agents have therefore increased significantly. On the other hand, the legal framework and tax regulations are constantly evolving, so that there is automatically a need for further training. But as an entrepreneur, you are also required to continuously optimize your processes and expand your competencies.

Frau am Laptop

Regular training pays off.

Regular training and the development of specialist knowledge can also guarantee you secure commission turnover in the future: practical experience shows that as a real estate agent you will achieve significantly higher commission turnover in the long term if you regularly acquire new knowledge and internalize the knowledge you have already learned through continuous repetition in order to apply it successfully during customer appointments.