RE/MAX Agencies & Agents

Remax Schaufenster
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RE/MAX real estate agencies:

Professional real estate agents in your region.

The number of RE/MAX real estate offices in Germany is constantly growing – you are sure to find one of our competent and qualified real estate agents near you. Use the expertise of our RE/MAX real estate agents to your advantage: You will receive professional and comprehensive advice, active support in every phase of your project and benefit from proven processes. Rely on our know-how – we are happy to be there for you.

Broker during consultation

Good reasons:

Why should you work with a RE/MAX real estate agent?

There is a reason why real estate transactions are so complex: decisions of great consequence are made and large sums of money are moved – making it all the more important to have a trustworthy partner with proven expertise at your side.

Meeting with colleagues

1. We can draw on profound experience of several decades!

We look back on a company history that began as early as 1973 and has always pursued one goal ever since: Over the years, we have made the most diverse experiences and incorporated findings into our business concept. This has enabled us to successively optimize our processes and develop tools that benefit our RE/MAX real estate agents – and thus you as well.


2. We are number 1 worldwide - as a brand and as a franchise network!

No one brokers more real estate worldwide than RE/MAX. With our franchise system we can convince sustainably and internationally, not for nothing our brand is known worldwide and established at the top. Here, above all, quality plays a decisive role: the complexity of the matter requires well-founded specialist knowledge in the most diverse areas. This is exactly where we come in with our training and further education offers, in order to actively support our RE/MAX real estate agents in every respect and to accompany you optimally in the realization of your project.

Teammeeting am Tisch

3. We cooperate with the entire brokerage industry in your interest!

This is also one of our important principles: The focus of our activities is the satisfaction of our customers – that’s why our RE/MAX agents not only like to work together within our network, but also with real estate agents outside the RE/MAX family. Country and company borders do not play a role. We use the entire potential for you!